it's werder x bayern, grade 10 x grade 11, milan x dennis. one of these two will be the first ever kicktipp champion in isb. this little competition might not gain any tradition at all in the school - or it might still be there in many years, and one of these two will have their name on a trophy, as the first champion ever.
dennis, who led the pack for a few weeks, still has silent hopes, but is 24 points short of daniel, who currenlty leads with 399 points. incredibly, milan has the same 399 points, but less weekly wins, and therefore on second place.
mr goncalves (that's me!) leads the last week, and milan is in the run for the last chocolate of the season, followed closely by torben.
after the tuesday games, we'll have our champion, and a break. the new season should start at the end of october, from zero. anyone can take part...
I personally think that no Bayern fan should win the first championship, they understand too little of football to win such a competition and it would display the contest in a bad way. Therefor I think that Milan or Dennis should win, true Werder Bremen fans.